EOS division applies and follows up with serious and constant updating Italian and European regulations regarding safety and protection of the environment.

EOS pays particular attention to the following aspects:

  • Industrial hygiene
    Toxicity, possibility of cancerousity of treated substances, with particular attention to the evaluation of chemical risk and workers’ exposure limits.
  • Atmospheric emissions
    Techno/administrative procedures to obtain authorization for atmospheric emissions (new plants, modifications, moves), evaluation of conformity of emissions compared to the normatives in force, indication of elimination of emission techniques, analytic methods to carry out checks.
  • Ozone-damaging substances
    Limitation of products deriving from national and communitary legislations, consented uses, cancellation times, possibilty of substitution.
  • Labelling
    Significance of danger symbols, indication of risks connected to the use of dangerous substances and preparations.
  • Safety Charts
    Reading, understanding and updating of safety charts, regular communication to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (for products and preparations).
  • Internal noise/vibration
    Evaluation of the level of exposure of the workers in the working environment and the employer’s obbligations in this sense.
  • Industrial waste disposal
    All the activities for waste disposal are coordinated by C.I.A.T., a society of Dollmar Group.
  • Management of water resources and waste water
    Carrying out of authorization for industrial waste, indications on the offcial form regarding waste, checking of waste.
  • Contaminated land
    Carrying out of procedures connected to the presence of contaminated land, commnication procedures and safety precautions, indication of check method (characterization of site) and of draining techniques.
  • Sound emissions
    Indication of the main procedures regarding sound emissions permitted by the external environment, indication of the check method technique, indication of the elimination of the sound emissions.
  • Integrated environmental authorization
    Identification of the submitted activities, information regarding the procedure for the granting of integrated environmental authorization (AIA).
  • Fire prevention
    Basic principles for fire prevention, identification of activites subject to prevention checks by the Fire Brigade, classification of inflammable products.

To ask for a consultancy write at info@dollmarmeccanica.com