What a great goal to satisfy through a Finep plant, mod. FT10x2/3A, the increasingly complex technical-economic-environmental needs of a mechanical company that has been operating in the market for over 50 years both as contractor and as a dedicated manufacturer of components: fittings, brass fittings, stainless steel tubes in the water, air, gas and plant engineering sectors.
Selva Antonio company tries strongly to achieve significant quality and low environmental impact in order to improve the entire production.
With a constant focus on working environment and safety, Selva Antonio is the first company to have obtained both ISO 14001 certificate (Management System suitable for the control of environmental impacts and search for continuous optimization) and EMAS Registration (eco-management system that recognizes, at European level, the achievement of excellence in environmental improvement).
Selva Antonio, based in Primaluna fraction Cortabbio (LC), is therefore the first italian turning company gaining these results, obtained thanks to the efforts of the enlightened owners, Pier Paolo Selva, Production Manager, and Raffaella Selva, Administration Manager.
The milestone has been reached thanks to some shrewd technical and economic choices, stressing once again the sensitivity of the two owners towards their employees and the environmental care (air management, drastic reduction of pollution both in terms of chemicals and waste, recovery for water).
These actions, moreover, improved the quality and performance of treated and washed components, necessary to compete in the market.
In this context Dollmar Meccanica has projected and installed by Primaluna plant a washing equipment working with water and detergent from Finep series, mod. FT10x2/3A.
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