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Dollmar Meccanica, to support its own clients on handing FGases seeing the new european rules has aquired the business Certification FGas FG00661 and the enabling specialization of its tecnicians which work with the refrigeration systems.

The new regulation on fluorinated greenhouse in force since 1st January 2015 extends its scope to equipment using fluorinated gases thus expanding even cases sealing mandatory register.

This EU Regulations state provisions on containment, control, use and recovery of fluorinated gases. The main changes regards the leckage checks. From the current year the parameter to be taken into account for the requirement of regular visits and completing the booklet system is based on tons of carbon dioxin equivalent.

The main informations that the operators must fill into the booklet system now are:

  • Amount and type of fluorinated gas
  • Amount of gas added during the installation, maintenance, assistance, for losses and the quantity recicled, reclaimed and/or recycled.
  • Identity of the company that has provided the installation ,the assistance, maintenance, reparation or dismantling of the equipment.
  • Registration of dates and results of the checks carried out.
  • Measures taken for the recovery and disposal of gas in case of dismantling of the equipment.However, remains in force the EU Regulation 303/2008 regarding the definition of the minimum requirements of the certification of companies and personnel who work with FGases with regard to the plants of refrigeration and air conditioning.

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